The Game of Expert Dialogue
9 Jan 2009
The Game of Expert Dialogue is an Art of exchange and cooperation. Each player commits to bring his help, his private or professional experience to the accomplishment of every player’s objective. It promotes an Art of dialogue and triggers active listening and collective learning. It is also a surprising and joyful experience, whether you play with your friends, your colleagues or with people you meet for the first time.
Very simply, the point is to spend a productive and original moment with other persons. More specifically, it helps to connect through a new type of dialogue and exchange, to set or clarify a personal or collective project and find the tools to take it further, to experiment a principle of full cooperation, to approach the notion of change, to dynamize one’s motivation and creativity, to facilitate decision making and set the appropriate actions.
Any person can initiate a game with friends or within their network, or find out about on-going games
You can either constitute your own group of friends (four players maximum) or come individually and join other players. The participation fee is 25euros, drinks charged separately, the sessions have a duration of approximately 3 to 4 hours. It is necessary to book and confirm your participation.
For info or booking, please contact
Author's note
This experience is a synthesis of various studies on traditional wisdom and philosophies, on Palo Alto Institute’s introspective approaches, on Psychology of motivation and NLP, as well as on innovative Strategies for Cooperation.
Although he has received training for a varied set of techniques and accessed a diversified knowledge, the referee or coach has no other abilitation for his practice than the authority given to him by the public.